Monday, March 03, 2008

looking back, i might be a bad friend

i was thinking of some of my old friends. people who played important roles in my past, but who i don't know anymore. maybe our worlds drifted apart. maybe we got into a fight. maybe they (or i) moved or went away to school. maybe that's just life.
all i know is that i had some good friends that i enjoyed being with and who helped me through some tough times; but now they're just part of my past. and unfortuantely i don't have the best memory.
but people can change. and hopefully old dogs can learn new tricks. and hopefully i'm a better friend to you than i was to them.


Adam said...

You've been a great friend so far Mike.

flowgun said...

Life is a play, man. Each scene has different plots...different characters. Appreciate the people who played roles in the past, but recognize that new parts will need people who bring different characteristics.

Lulu said...

I think I may have to change your nickname from the Vag to Eoyre, your posts are always so sad:(